Wedding in times of COVID
It seems that this pandemic does not want to leave us alone and that affects when it comes to celebrating a wedding and a lot. Last summer we attended weddings where the bride and groom had to completely rethink the concept of the wedding they wanted due to restrictions and also due to responsibility and common sense. Others have been postponed for this year and some even for 2022. Others, sadly, will no longer be held.
The case of this couple is one of the most repeated, boyfriends who have decided to continue with their wedding plans, readapting it to the current situation. They have opted for a small celebration with the closest guests and have postponed the big party until conditions improve and allow it.
We are very happy and grateful to all the couples we have had in what we have had and what remains of the pandemic. Both to those who have postponed their weddings and together we have looked for a new date in which the majority of suppliers are respected, as well as to those who have decided to marry in another way and with whom we have had perfect communication when it comes to routing the type of reporting they expect in this new situation. And of course those who have decided to cancel until further notice. We want to send a message of encouragement to the latter all of them to thank them and tell them that we are here for whatever they need.